So the past two weeks have been a little insane!! We have had so much to do with finishing up our updated home study, filling out more paperwork, meeting with our social worker, working on K's photo book, getting our donations in order, trying to begin packing, me spending lots of time trying to get my sub (for a sub - ha!) plans in order, Matt and I having a near anxiety attack over possible changes in acquiring a Visa, making sure we have everything my parents need while they are here, and trying to mentally and emotionally prepare for meeting our daughter. Many times people misinterpret 1 Corinthians 10:13 as saying that God does not give you more than you can handle. That is so false! God often gives us way more than we can handle which is what we have experienced this week! The verse actually reads, "And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." This week He has provided me with many ways to deal with all that I have had to handle. He has given us this beautiful daughter who we will meet in less than a week and it is her sweet face that keeps us going. He has given me a fabulous Godly husband who is calm under pressure and encourages us to keep moving even when we are about to collapse. He has given us an early spring with the air filled with the beauty of the fragrance of spring. He has given us a pretty pink Red bud tree right outside our bedroom window that I get to admire every morning as I get ready. He has given me a blooming Dogwood tree outside my kitchen window that makes me smile. And he has given me friends who have offered to help us when we need it. We are grateful and we are blessed. We know that when we meet our sweet little girl for the first time everything will have been worth it.
A while ago Brooke made a waiting box for little K and we have been filling it with little goodies over the past year. We can't wait to give it to her when she gets home. We have things from Christmas gifts to her, items we picked up at Disney, gifts other people have already bought her, and some other treasures. We also bought her some things to take with us as we play with her at Hannah's Hope. Mostly I can't wait to show her the photo book we made for her and somehow hopes she understands that we will be her forever family.
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