This is a gift my sister made for me. I know it doesn't show up very well in the picture, but she embroidered hearts going from Columbus to Addis Ababa. My sister has always given me the most special gifts at just the right time. I can't wait to hang it in K's room!
So last night was a flurry of activity. After staying at work late to make sure I had all of my sub plans in order, I arrived home to see my parents, hear about my kids' days and Matt's day, cook dinner, spend time with the kids, go over the week's plans with my parents,finish packing, and tie up loose ends. We also had lots of phone calls last night with dear friends and family wishing us well. Saying goodbye to the kids was very hard! They were very teary and so were we. I ended up going to bed at around 12:30 and had set my alarm for 3:00. Two and a half hours of sleep isn't really what we had intended getting before an international flight, but I popped right up this morning filled with excitement.
The good thing about being so busy lately is that we have not had time to be worried or scared, which is what I thought I would be. A dear friend texted me this verse to write on our hearts during our trip. It is Deuteronomy 31:8 and reads, 'The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.' I shared this with the kids so they could cling to this verse as well.
When we pulled up to the Columbus airport this morning at 4:45 am there was not a soul in sight except for one man standing by the doors. he came over to our car and asked if we needed help and asked where we were going. When I told him we were going to Ethiopia he became very excited and told us that he is from Addis Ababa which is, of course, exactly where we are going. He told us we will love it there and was beaming as he sent us on our way after helping us. We decided this was a sign from God that he was blessing our trip! We are off to our gate now!!! Here we go!!!
I hope you both were able to sleep some on your flight. Isn't it amazing to be on the other side of the world. Wow! What a gift. We are so excited how you are joining God and his work he prepared for both of you and your family long ago (even down to the man you met at the airport). We cannot wait to hear about what you see and experience over the next few days. We've been praying for Kewogo too as she prepares to meet the two of you. Love yall!