
Friday, March 23, 2012

Court date!!

I was only three days into my long term sub position on a Friday afternoon. I had just given my students a reading assignment. Luckily the classroom was quiet which made it perfect timing for the school secretary to call my room and say, "Camille, I have your husband on the phone." My heart jumped as I knew at that moment why he was calling me. To tell me that we had a court date and would be going to Ethiopia! I listened as he explained that we received a court date of April 16th! I was trying hard to absorb all the details while managing to stay calm and poker faced in front of my students. They don't know that we are adopting and I wasn't ready to tell them. It was very hard for me, someone who isn't very good at hiding my emotions, to respond with a flat, "Wow. Is that so. I can't believe it." When all I wanted to do was jump up and down screaming!! I hung up the phone and tried to keep my head on and resume teaching. After letting out several screams inside my head, the next thing I wanted to do was put my head down on my desk and cry. I was overcome with so many emotions and the reality that after two years of waiting we were finally going to meet our little girl. My next thought was, "Wait, I am a sub. Now I will have to find a sub for a sub." God had already worked out that detail by placing a fellow substitute teacher in our church small group. My friend, Sharon, had already been praying over our adoption and we had previously joked that we would surely get our travel notice as soon as I started teaching. Of course, that is what happened. She was actually teaching in the building that day and unbeknown to me our secretary had already checked with her to see if she was available for the dates I would be gone. I hadn't even gotten home for the day before Sharon had sent me an email telling me she was available. What blessing!! I love how God placed us together in a small group and took care of this detail which is very important to me. Another very important detail was that of who is going to stay with our children while we are gone. I immediately call my parents to share the good news. After celebrating with them, I casually ask them what they have going on in April. They respond with, "A trip to Ohio, of course!" My parents are awesome!!!! Hooray!! We are going to Ethiopia!!!!!! This will be our first of two trips. On this trip we will meet K and spend time with her daily. Then, we will testify before court that we want to adopt her. After 5 days there, we will return home and wait for word of our second trip. I can't wait to get packing!!!!!! Here we come sweet K!

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